Theme Song:
Follow Me
Our 2023 Camporee theme song composer is Rui Ferreira, from Portugal! Rui is a physical therapist and a Pathfinder, with a great passion for music and songwriting.
The first verse of the theme song is about accepting Jesus' invitation to follow Him, to enjoy His peace and learn to trust Him.
The second verse encourages us to share our experience (our story) with others.
In the chorus, it is Jesus who speaks to us and invites us to follow Him.
We are preparing the theme song video now, and it should be ready early September 2023.
In the meantime, you can download the sheet music right here (several keys available)!

Archive: 2019 Camporee Theme Song
The winner of the theme song contest for the 2019 Camporee theme song was Luís Moreira, from Portugal, with his song "God's Promise".
The winner of the the 2023 Camporee Theme Song contest is Rui Ferreira, from Portugal. The new video of the theme song will be available on September 2023.